sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

I'm good...

Machos don't cry (ever)

Please post your comments. I'm sure you can add extra flavour to this!

Imagen extraída de http://static5.depositphotos.com/1001911/426/v/450/dep_4261058-Laughing-emoticon.jpg

9 comentarios:

Paola Amarillas dijo...

I'm very surprised for the video, because there is always a reason to cry

alan fernando ruiz ramirez dijo...

jajajaja "im good" it´s a great video i like it

Clau Estrada dijo...

jajajajaja "Im God" jajaja it killed me! jajajja althoug OUCH! it were a very very heavy shocks!

JGtZ dijo...

jaja its a funny video, i liked

Greeta Nieto dijo...

hahahaha oh god that men!! but of course can cry!! good video...

Brenda Mejía Valadez dijo...

haha ... that hurt! The most painful blows are those that are not caused! :'( but be strong :D

eder omar reyes dijo...

very funny teacher i liked
more care must be taken
and cure much
very good

Jessica Gomez dijo...

Hahaha.. "I'm Good"
Typical of men :D

Mauricio David Zacarias De Jesús dijo...

hahahahaha It's really fun I love it mens never cry XD